Jade possesses many qualities: It can act as a protective forcefield and strengthen your sense of self; it can help you hang onto higher ground and ensure the best outcome. It is balancing — able to moderate intense emotions and give you a little perspective when you really need it. The Mayans called it the “Stone of Harmony” as they believed it helped with interpersonal dynamics and in aligning inspiration. Jade is considered both lucky and grounding. It can give you a little emotional stability, and honestly, who doesn’t need that?
Cacholong, a variety of opal characterized by a vitreous, pearly, opaque luster, is considered a feminine stone. In ancient India, it was believed to be the hardened milk of the sacred cow. And if that visual doesn’t do it for you, perhaps it will help to learn that it is beneficial to the central nervous system, and will calm you down and help you relax. It is also believed to be detoxifying and can assist in the treatment of gastrointestinal issues. It is said to release pressure in your eyes. In addition to all of this, it endows you with a sense of justice and responsibility for the lives of others and can keep you from acting out, saving you from anger and bouts of melancholy.
Turquoise is considered to be the “fallen sky stone” hidden deep in the Earth and has been valued by many cultures throughout time, not only for its beauty but also for its spirituality and life-giving qualities. It is variously called “stone of sky”, “stone of water”, “stone of blessings, good fortune, protection, good health, and longevity”. This master healing stone helps cure disease and realign any anatomical issues. It can aide in nutrient absorption, cure headaches, help tone and strengthen the body, and even assist in tissue regeneration. Turquoise isassociated with the 5th (throat) chakra, the center for communication, creativity, and spiritual serenity. It balances male/female energies and helps foster trust and kindness. Native Americans use turquoise to bring rain.
Chrysocolla is a stone of communication, devoted to expression, empowerment and teaching. The stone’s empowerment has a decidedly feminine bent, with an emphasis on gentleness. The turquoise-blue color of chrysocolla aids in calming, dispelling negative energy, and allowing truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard. It also highlights the power that our words and actions have on those around us and encourages us to be compassionate. Chrysocolla is often called the Stone of Monks because it teaches us the value of both expression and silence. Its soothing energy helps calm highly charged emotional situations, tempers angry words, abates sarcasm and allows your truth to shine through with wisdom. It can align your heart chakra, helping to ease emotional heartache and providing strength and balance. Wear Chrysocolla and bring on the love.
Lapis is an ancient stone and has been used in treatments for thousands of years. It has been prescribed to heal eye strain, relieve stress, and improve sleep. Known as the Stone of Total Awareness, it is associated with the sixth chakra—the third eye—and aids in becoming more self aware and can even enhance psychic abilities. When you wear lapis you tap into a highly charged field of awareness, bringing you closer to knowing, understanding, and acceptance. It is said to be a good source of counsel when you are unsure and will help unlock life’s mysteries.
Malachite is all about transformation. Whether you are making changes, dealing with change, changing your mind, or changing it back again, malachite clarifies things for you. It clears your chakras and releases negative experiences. It can also give you insight into causes and conditions that have led you where you are and helps you take responsibility for your actions. It can help promote loyalty and intuitive reasoning. Aviators can use malachite to counteract vertigo and pregnant women can use it to bring on an easy birth. Malachite even boosts the immune system and protects from radiation.
Simbercite is a rare stone from Simbirsk, Russia. In fact, it’s an ancient ammonite (a type of mollusk) fossil that is infused with pyrite veins—a Jurassic shell that turned into a mineral! Simbercite guards against being uptight, allowing the wearer to be calm and self assured. Its secret superpower is fluidity and it heightens communication, telepathy, and business acumen. It helps the wearer to override old programming and adopt a fresh approach and innovate thinking. Simbercite is often considered a stimulus stone for architects because of its immortal spiral form.
There are many types and colors of opal which is maybe why it has the ability to, on the one hand, render you invisible in situations where you want to disappear, and on the other hand, to stir up activity and give you superhuman intuition. The fiery swirls in opals are quartz spheroids and help sharpen your insight into people and situations. The rare black opal turns the wearer into a time traveler, helping them to perceive the past, present, and future in a grounded state. Black opals can also help you read someone’s eyes. When they are looking at your opal, look at their irises and see if you can discern anything. Your third eye is also engaged by wearing black opals as they tend to radiate visionary prescience straight from that 6th chakra. The power of a black opal is surrounded by myth and superstition. But the truth is...they hold power. Wear them and shine yours outward.
Covellite is a rare copper sufide mineral. A deeply healing stone, it is believed that Covellite helps rid the body of poisons and toxins, particularly in the nose and throat. If one has poor eyesight, it helps to gaze at covellite for long periods of time. Its deep indigo color also assists with insomnia and is useful in calming anxiety.